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Welcome to Minnesota Chiropractic Neurology

(formerly known as Mounds View Chiropractic)

Your Premier Chiropractic Neurology and Functional Medicine Center in Mounds View, MN. 

We have moved from our location of 18 years!

We are now located at: 5372 Edgewood Dr., Mounds View MN 55112


Most patients get RELIEF in their first week of our BRAIN-BODY RESET Program!

Our Brain-Body RESET Program has a proven track record of taking patients suffering with chronic pain and illness from a place of no hope to the life they always wanted back!

Learn about how we use functional neurology, functional medicine, chiropractic and the latest medical technologies to RESET YOUR HEALTH and RENEW YOUR LIFE!



If you are visiting this site we can just about guarantee one thing…you or someone you care about is frustrated with their health!

The very first thing you should know is—we do things differently. We don’t do things the same way as other doctors.


We treat the individual, not the disease.


We know that each individual that comes through our doors, has their own unique health history that has lead them to their current state of health or disease.


We evaluate each patient thoroughly and develop a specific treatment plan that best suits that patient's individual needs. Regardless of whether you suffer from headaches, back pain, whiplash injuries, or fibromyalgia you can feel confident that we will treat you individually, discover if your case is one we can accept, and if we find that we can help you, you will have access to a wide variety of the latest medical technologies.  


We use a wide array of treatments including Chiropractic adjustments, Arthrostim adjustments, Vibracussor Therapy, Whole Body Vibration, Spinal Decompression, Cold Laser Therapy, Ion Detoxification, ATM2,  and of most importance to our chronic neurological patients, Brain Based Therapy. If you suffer from a Chronic Neurologic Condition such as Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue, Vertigo, Dizziness, ADD, ADHD, Migraines, or Headaches...  and have seen other providers for this condition you are probably aware that answers for your condition are far and few between.    


We want you to know that our comprehensive Chiropractic, neurological and metabolic lab testing may finally give you the answer to your chronic condition.  We leave no stone unturned in determining the exact cause  of your chronic health condition.  We then support you both metabolically and neurologically.

Are you suffering from a chronic condition like Fibromyalgia?  Are you suffering from an acute whiplash injury?  Are you experiencing daily pain? Are you tired of just your symptoms getting treated? Are you looking for a correction once and for all? Then you have finally found the right place!

Please give us a call or feel free to explore our site to learn more about our services. We want you to feel comfortable knowing that from your first visit, you will be treated with the care and compassion you would expect from a team of professionals.


Call 763-398-7770 NOW...    

To schedule your FREE Consultation with Dr. Huffman


Have You Suffered a Whiplash Injury?
If you or someone you care for is involved in a car accident, be pro-active and call our office to get scheduled for a FREE post accident consultation.  
Even in a minor collision muscles in the spine are torn, and if not treated appropriately may lead to spinal decay!     
Take care of your spine...You only get one! With our revolutionary accident recovery program you can be sure you will get the best results in the fastest time possible. So don't wait.  
If you have been in an accident, your car insurance is fully liable now, but if you delay you may be left with the bill later on!
We accept all car insurances and work with all attorneys to make sure you get the care you need!  We understand the frustrations that come with being involved in a motor vehicle accident, and our staff does everything they can to make the hassle as pain free as possible.
Therapies we have that may be used in your care and are covered by your car insurance:    
-Chiropractic Care     
-Electrical Muscle Stimulation    
-Ultrasound Therapy
-Neuromuscular Re-education    
-Spinal Decompression    
-Low Level Laser Therapy     
Call 763-398-7770 NOW to get scheduled for you FREE post accident consultation!



We Specialize In Supporting Patients with:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • headaches
  • leg / arm pain
  • digestive disorders
  • low Back / Hip pain
  • Symptoms caused from stress
  • Sinus / allergies / asthma
  • sleep disturbances
  • Chronic Pain
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Migraines
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Balance Disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Auto-immune Diseases
  • Concussions
  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Degenerated Joints


Call us for a FREE phone consultation at 763-398-7770


Located at:

5372 Edgewood Drive

Mounds View MN 55112 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dr. Huffman's Book

Available Now! 



Back to Sleep

“I came in because of a sore knee. It was especially stiff and painful on waking. It interrupted my sleep, discouraged and depressed me on waking. I had to cut down on exercise, and even had to take the elevators instead of the stairs. Now, the PAIN HAS GONE AWAY! I sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed and able to walk normally. I’m using the stairs again and PLAYING TENNIS WITH ENJOYMENT!!”

Nancy M.

Playing Drums Again with NO PAIN

“My wrist was very sore and was in constant pain throughout the day. I’m a drummer so the ability to use my wrists without pain is very important. Playing gigs was difficult because I would be in so much pain. After being treated by Dr. Josh, my wrist is much better. I can play shows with little or no pain.

Graham P.

Better Balance

“My name is Carolyn Hampton, and I’ve been coming to Dr. Huffman for three months now, I think, and I came to him with shoulder and neck problems, and also really bad sinus problems, and my sinuses are cleared up completely. I’m a lot looser in my shoulders, my neck, and also my back. I have more balance thanks to Dr. Huffman.”

Carolyn H.


“I experienced sinus pain and pressure, and multiple sinus infections every year. I had sinus headaches almost every morning. I was grumpy, didn’t sleep well, and always felt run down. Since starting treatment with Dr. Huffman I haven’t had any sinus infections. Pain, sinus pressure, and headaches are mostly gone. It has been a total change in my health.”

Heather E.

A Very Gentle Approach

“I experienced lower back and shoulder pain off and on. It caused me to have less energy and slowed me down at times. Now I have more energy, pain in these areas is much more infrequent. Dr. Huffman’s approach is very gentle.”

Patricia T.

No More Knee BRACES

“My lower back and my two knees ached. I could turn my head (I thought) pretty good, back and forth. I had to wear a back (elastic) band and two knee (elastic) band things on both of my knees most days at work. My health now: Oh Boy! Great!! I have not worn my knee things for a couple of weeks, and I can turn my head way easier!!”

Candace P.


“I had back and neck pain since I was 12 years old. In gymnastics I injured my neck and I was living with the pain for the past 14 years. About two years ago I started to get migraines, and that’s when I knew I needed help. At home and at work I would get a pinching, sharp pain in my neck and back. This caused me to be more stressed and at times more irritable. Since I started receiving Chiropractic care from Dr. Huffman MY HEADACHES HAVE COMPLETELY STOPPED!! I don’t have the neck and back pain either. My life has been less stressful and I know I am more pleasant to be around. Thank you for everything. I am very grateful!”

Kara B.

Sleeping and Breathing Better

“My nose was stuffed up and I had trouble breathing (especially at night). I can breathe better during the day, and I sleep through the night. Plus Dr. Josh helped my back so I can play sports better!”

-Jack T., 8 years old

Allergies and Asthma HELPED, and FREE OF MEDICINE

“Before, I constantly had cold, allergy, and asthma symptoms (postnasal drip, coughing spells at night, and red watery eyes). I took several prescribed medicines with little to no results. After seeing Dr. Huffman my symptoms have greatly reduced, and I have been able to stop taking all of my meds! I sleep a lot better at night!!”

Andrew G

Neuropathy Relief and I'm Feeling the Best I've Ever Felt!

"I decided to try this Neuropathy Program offered by Dr. Josh because I walk three miles a day and in the winter I was in constant fear of freezing a toe or my feet because I could not feel them.

I know this condition was steadily going downhill. Example: I had to go to the Doctor when I severely burned the bottom of one of my toes when I steeped on a hot coal and didn’t even know it.

Once I began the program, I was placed on a new diet. I regained so much energy, lost twenty pounds, lowered my blood pressure and most importantly I have 75% of feeling back in my feet.

I feel it is advantageous to have adjustments more frequently, which is also part of the program. I would strongly recommend this program for anyone with Neuropathy.

In terms of my overall health, this is the best I have ever felt."

Bob T.

Suffered from Hypothyroidism, Chronic Fatigue, Insomnia, and IBS for Years. Now I Have My Life Back!

Prior to starting this program with Dr. Huffman, I had problems with chronic fatigue, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, brain fog, memory problems, sleep problems and general pain for quite a few years. Medical doctors had diagnosed me with hypo-thyroid condition about fourteen ago and was given a prescription for synthroid medication.

I had seen a few different medical doctors complaining that I still did not feel well and that something else was wrong, the usual laboratory test were done by these doctors. I had even gone through the Mayo Clinic in Rochester about ten years ago, seeing different doctors over a three day period, but all their tests did not find any other problem.

I felt the medical doctors labeled me as a hypochondriac because of my chronic fatigue problem, so I stopped complaining to the medical community and decided to read books and try to diagnose and treat myself.

I tried different supplements and diets over the years but my problems persisted and gradually seemed to be getting worse.

Fortunately, I saw Dr. Huffman’s advertisement in the newspaper for people diagnosed with thyroid disorder that are still experiencing fatigue.

I called and attended one of Dr. Huffman’s seminars on thyroid disorders and it didn’t take long to realize I had possibly found help for my chronic fatigue problem along with the other symptoms I was experiencing.

I’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and I’ve been on a nutritional and dietary program prescribed by Dr. Huffman for me based on my needs. I’ve also been receiving neurological treatment with Dr. Huffman and have had a GREAT improvement in how I feel and think. I’m finally getting my life back.

I am so grateful to Dr. Huffman and staff for all the wonderful help and support they have all given."

Mary H.

I HAD Migraines for 40 YEARS!

“I am 80 Years old and have had severe migraines 2-3 times per week for the last 40 years of my life. Those years were miserable and full of pain. I didn’t want to go anywhere, make plans, go to family gatherings or trips, because the migraines made me so sick. I also had many side effects from the pills I had to take. I had little relief. The doctors tried everything, but there was nothing they could do for me. Since the last week of December when I started to get adjusted 2x per week, I have had only one migraine on the 3rd week. Other than that I have been totally migraine free!! Now I only have an occasional mild headache. It’s truly a miracle!! I wish I had met Dr. Huffman years ago. I tell everybody what he has done for me!”

Elfriede T.
