The statistics are staggering…
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also known as attention deficit disorder (ADD), affects approximately 6% of the population, while less than 2% receive treatment. The rates of ADHD are no higher in the U.S. than in other countries. For example, in China 8.9% of the population is reported to have ADHD. Puerto Rico reports a rate of 9.5%, Japan reports a rate of 7.7%, Germany reports a rate of 8.7%, and India reports a rate of 29%.
2. Out of 100 people with ADHD:
35 won't finish high school.
25 will repeat at least one grade.
52 are abusing drugs or alcohol.
40 have tried alcohol and tobacco at an early age.
19 are smoking cigarettes (compared to 10% of the general population).
75 have interpersonal problems.
20 have set fires.
30 have engaged in theft.
25 will be expelled from high school for misconduct
3. Numerous studies show that approximately 50% of inmates have been found to have ADHD.
4. People with ADHD have a higher percentage of motor vehicle accidents, speeding tickets, citations for driving without a license, suspended or revoked licenses, medical visits, and emergency room visits.
5. Parents of ADHD children divorce three times more often than the general population.
I am going to address:
#1: What makes my program unique?
#2: How I successfully support patients that suffer from ADD/ADHD .
What makes my program unique?
We treat both sides of the brain…….
Right Brain (Hemisphere) vs Left Brain (Hemisphere)
In order to fully understand ADD/ADHD, we must look at them in terms of “hemispheres,” or sides, of the brain.
When we understand what each side normally does for a child when they are in balance (integrated), we can understand what goes wrong when there is an imbalance (functional disconnection).
Right Hemisphere
• The “brake” pedal
• Withdrawal responses: stop movement, stop thought
• Controls gross motor: posture, big movements
• Likes Low Frequency Stimulation
• The “Where” part of the brain
• Social learning: how to apply knowledge
• Non-linear, “creative”
• Non-verbal communication: face, eyes, body
• Stimulated by novel, new stimuli
• Reading, math comprehension
• The “sad” brain
Left Hemisphere
• The “gas” pedal
• Approach responses: initiates movement, initiates thought
• Controls fine motor: small movements
• Likes High Frequency Stimulation
• The “What” part of the brain
• Memorization of facts
• Linear
• Verbal fluency
• Likes routines, sameness
• The “happy” brain.
The Brain Out of Balance
• Loves TV, Videos, computer
• Like sameness, routines, rituals
• Often great memory
• Normal and often above average intelligence
• Poor social skills/poor verbal skills
• Tantrums, poor emotional control
• Very self-directed, not very passive
• Tendency to fidget or stay moving
• Tend to fixate (perseverate)
• Often have “sensory” issues
Why the language delays?
The Right hemisphere is responsible for non-verbal communication.
Non-verbal communication is the foundation of verbal communication
– Understanding one’s feelings
– Understanding facial expressions, body language etc
Without these basic pillars of communication, appropriate verbal communication is delayed.
One method to encourage appropriate speaking in these children is to work on building the foundation—non-verbal communication.
Why are there “Sensory” problems?
Sensory problems most often are not a problem with the particular “sense.”
Often the problem is with the frontal lobes and inappropriate withdrawal responses to the sensations.
• Traditional Treatment Options = medications
• These traditional treatments don’t take into consideration the issue of HEMISPHERIC IMBALANCE.
• Which side of the brain needs more help?
– Right or left?
• What specific areas of that side?
– Parietal lobe?, Temporal lobe?, Frontal lobe?, Cerebellum?..…
• What is the “metabolic capacity?”
– When is enough too much? What is the stamina of the area?
– We don’t want to over stimulate or exceed metabolic capacity (EMC)
By using specific metabolic and neurological testing and support!
We evaluate your child with both metabolic and neurologic tests, and we then use specific therapies to support both of these areas.
Call now to schedule your child for a free consultation with Dr. Huffman. We may be able to change your child's life forever. Call 763-398-7770!